Mountain Expedition

7000m Mountain Expedition in Nepal

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  • Based on Client Reviews

There are 414 (7000m/22,965ft) peaks in Nepal. Among all of these 414 peaks, 72 are open for climbing. Nepal’s 7000m peaks contain the most challenging climbing objectives offered by the Himalayan state. There are different levels of difficulties, ranging from easy to challenging, for novice or expert mountaineers.
Starting from 6000m to the 7000m peaks also make a clear difference, which can really be distinguished by the strategies used in mountaineering peaks and technical alpine peaks. Mountaineering involves more trekking from the lower angles to the middle vertical terrain, while technical alpine objectives climb more vertical terrain, and require the use of rope system to catch the climber in case of falling. Climbers will often take the approach of fencing for mountaineering and high altitude purposes. Technical alpine climbing climbers often go for fixing minimal camps in alpine style and in some cases no camps.

The 7000m campaign needs an appropriate condition as for a 8000m campaign.

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    2-10 Pax

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